Alyson, Jacob, & Beau - Pet and Family Portraits
April 01, 2017
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I had the great pleasure of photographing a newlywed couple with their dog on Saturday. Alyson and Jacob were gracious enough to take a few hours out of their day to let me take photographs. I had contacted Alyson, after I saw the pictures of her dog Beau on Facebook. Alyson was ecstatic to have pictures done. The session took place at about 10 am at the University of Virginia Law School, where Alyson is a student. I love photographing families, particularly adding in a pet, because after all they are part of the family. This was a low key session and I can't think them enough for letting me do this for them.
Conservation of 1930's Wedding Photographs
August 02, 2016
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I’ve been working on, and doing some conservation, lately for a client and good friend. She has had these wonderful old wedding photographs from the 1930’s of her mother and father. I framed these photos after I was done with them. It’s amazing the people that you tend to meet. Ordinary, everyday people, that lead extraordinary lives and have so many great stories. As someone who appreciates history, we don’t know that the things that we do are creating a personal history. History that we might not care about at the moment because it’s just something we do to make a living, but it is interesting nonetheless to someone. A friend or even your children. I say live everyday as if you are personally making history. Hazeltop Overlook - Shenandoah National Park
January 24, 2016
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No beautiful place can fully be described in words to someone else. The beauty of the earth must be experienced in person. Video is the next best thing. We live near one of the best national parks in the east, Shenandoah National Park. Due to my interest in video I have included it in my documentation of the Shenandoah. Over the course of the year and going forward, I will be posting videos I have taken. Stay tuned for more beauty.
Kitten Photography at Charlottesville Veterinary Hospital
January 22, 2016
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Recently I've had the pleasure of working with an incredible organization of vets and staff at the Charlottesville Veterinary Hospital. A couple of months ago, they had about 5 or 6 kittens if their office. The kittens were from a great rescue organization, Green Dogs Unleased. While the kittens were at the vets, they received their first shots and were spayed and neutered. I had been working with the Veterinary Hospital doing some group photos and the office manager asked me if I would like to photograph the kittens. Of course! I jumped at the chance. Photographing cats is one thing. I've had lots of experience. But photographing kittens, that's another thing all together. Now I've never seen a cat that knows commands like sit and stay. Even if cats are trained, cats do whatever they want to do. We're just slaves in a cats world. I had access to an exam room and had plenty of room, but rather than use classical portrait to show an animals true personality, I decided to use some grey seamless paper and use treats and toys to keep their attention. That way I could be assured that with enough depth of field, if they were off their mark slightly I could still get some great images. Kittens are full of energy, which makes things somewhat difficult. They play hard and they sleep hard. One minute they're on the paper and next second they are behind me. I wish I had some video of that. It was very comical, much like a MGM or Warner Brothers cartoon. Photographing animals is one of the most rewarding parts of my job. So much so, that I specialize in Pet Photography. I firmly believe, like most pet owners do, that our pets are part of the family. Our four legged children if you will. They mean so much to us. Every animal I photograph, I try to capture the personality of the animal within. It's so amazing to see how each pet is so different and unique, just like people. Each with their unique ways and personalities.
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